Thursday, February 15, 2007

The desire for a SPI, e.g. Single Page Interface for your website.

Most "Old School" developers have a desktop application developing background. And since the xmlhttp object in JavaScript is included in all major browser versions, it is now interesting to create a Single Page Interface (hereafter called a SPI) for websites, applications.

With some experience as a desktop developer (MCSD), Visual Basic 6 desktop applications and distributed applications, I could not feel the freedom and spirit I needed to create an application for the internet. So I kept developing websites or webapplications the old-fashioned way for the internet.


Theo Hubenet said...

MsgPlus rocks!

Mauro zegt:
Mauro zegt:
any news?
Theo zegt:
no, and you?
Mauro zegt:
no... just "breathing"
Mauro zegt:
wasting space in universe... so far
Mauro zegt:
or at least... wasting memory in matrix' mainframe
Theo zegt:
our mere existance is not enough
Mauro zegt:
a part of me thinks it would be cool to be annihilated by a race of assasin robots... that would at least be a global phenomena
Mauro zegt:
something to "make things worth"
Theo zegt:
well, if our dimension is contantly expanding like all the other dimensions, than a collision is inevitable
Mauro zegt:
yeah... but the problim with collapsing universes is that we will probably "not realize" it when it happens... it might be just too fast
Mauro zegt:
we need something to kill us slowly
Mauro zegt:
or slow enough as to let us know that it is taking place
Theo zegt:
i know, and the biggest dimension will win
Mauro zegt:
Mauro zegt:

Mauro zegt:
which obviously... wont be ours
Theo zegt:
dont underestimate the power of the LD
Mauro zegt:
well.... there's a cutting edge theory that says that when LD was created (big bang) it began to expand until... someday... LD will no longer expand but decrease it size until it collapses
Theo zegt:
we are stil expanding, so when we collapse that will be in about 200 billion years...
Theo zegt:
or a googleplex years
Mauro zegt:
yeah.... that would do
Mauro zegt:
but LD could also fall into a massive black hole
Theo zegt:
Theo zegt:
and then what?
Mauro zegt:
LD would like that
Theo zegt:
Theo zegt:
nice tight little black hole
Mauro zegt:
Theo zegt:
Theo zegt:
well, i talk to you later because i am @work
Mauro zegt:
ok.... live well... die free
Theo zegt:
i will
Theo zegt:
u 2
Mauro zegt:
i took that one from a really cheapass movie starred by "The Rock" (u know, the hawaian guyy)
Theo zegt:
Mauro zegt:
no what
Mauro zegt:
w8 i have a Q
Mauro zegt:
Mauro zegt:
u there?
Mauro zegt:
OMG is LD bewing swallowed by the black hole? or maybe being infiltrated in its rear dimmension by a worm hole?
Mauro zegt:
c'mon - question - NOW
Mauro zegt:
I know what u're doing
Mauro zegt:
you're getting coffie
Mauro zegt:
then you will expend the next 20 minutes adjusting your screen size
Mauro zegt:
and then, after "doing nothing" for another 30 minutes, you will start googling for nonsense words like "chamboroleusia"
Theo zegt:
i ahd to take a big dump
Mauro zegt:
well... at least that is what u say u do
Theo zegt:
i must go to get coffee now
Mauro zegt:
Mauro zegt:
answer me something
Mauro zegt:
I have an aJAx related Q
Theo zegt:
Theo zegt:
ask me
Mauro zegt:
I am building some web controls (or custom controls or composite controls or server controls or web custom controls or whatever u wanna name these)
Theo zegt:
Mauro zegt:
Mauro zegt:
I have not asked anything yet
Theo zegt:
Theo zegt:
Mauro zegt:
the point is
Mauro zegt:
I wanna make some of my controls ajax-ejabled
Mauro zegt:
Mauro zegt:
do u know anything about it?
Theo zegt:
everything, please continue
Mauro zegt:
well... nothing... just that... take for instance
I have a group of controls for file management, for instnace
FileItem (show file with thumbnail and some other shit)
DirectoryItem (show an array of FileItem objects)
Mauro zegt:
when I call an even in a fileItem object, for instance "rename file"
Mauro zegt:
I want only my fileItem inside the DirectoryItem to be refreshed... not the whole page or the whole DirectoryItem object
Mauro zegt:
now I can do this in many ways, and I could even use "my own ajax" methods
Mauro zegt:
but I wanna use the standard shit
Mauro zegt:
and I cannot find a good place on the internet where thye explain the interaction of these 2 technologies
Mauro zegt:
the same problem I have in many other scenarios
Mauro zegt:
some of my controls do very complex shit... i dont wanna rebuild them all on every action
Theo zegt:
there is no standard ajax and ajax is not a technology, it is a method
Mauro zegt:
i know
Theo zegt:
so you will search in vain
Mauro zegt:
i know - I actually worked with hidden iframes and DOM a lot and make customers go orgasmic with it
Theo zegt:
only to find other people calling their method a standard
Mauro zegt:
but u know... these fellows who taken the iframe and replaced if by the HTTPRequest? and then they encapsulated it all an named it AJAX?
Mauro zegt:
it is THEIR stuff i wanna use
Theo zegt:
you want to rename a file or directory 'on the fly'
Mauro zegt:
but there is a special reason for me to say that
Mauro zegt:
as I told u the scenario is
Mauro zegt:
- server controls
- servercontrols doing nasty complex shit
- I dont wanna have the need of external resources (like auxiliar pages)
Mauro zegt:
so when I say I want the controls to become ajax-enabled
Mauro zegt:
Mauro zegt:
in other words
Mauro zegt:
I weant the control to re-renders itself, using the very same method it was used the first time and i dont wanna re-render all the other shit again?
Mauro zegt:
do u get my point?
Mauro zegt:
I can really build all the shit myself
Mauro zegt:
but so far as i know, there is already prebuild shit to automate this flow
Theo zegt:
are you talking about webcontrols, you yourself build and which are rendered to the browser (naturally) and you want somebody elses code to seamlessly work for you?
Mauro zegt:
Theo zegt:
strange, i must missunderstand
Mauro zegt:
I will put it in "official" words
Mauro zegt:
all I wanted was a known "pattern" to request my server-method without having to duplicate logic.... calling the very same method inside the servercontrol's class
Mauro zegt:
all i can think of requires or duplicating the code or using a helper-page (which is not good to keep my controls in "single dll" model
Theo zegt:
you have controls in a dll model, what are you talking about, are making your own browser or something?!
Theo zegt:
because then you get to make ur own rules
Theo zegt:
maurofox 0.1
Theo zegt:
i pressume you are reffering to the microsoft .net framework 2.0 codename ATLAS where microsoft is claiming to be using all these great controls
Theo zegt:
ajax controls
Theo zegt:
your standard ajax methods
Mauro zegt:
1 sec...
Theo zegt:
i have not a clue about it, all i know is that every .net 2 webapplication project fails horribly in (web) user logic

Anonymous said...

Keep up the good work.